To all our younger members,
The weather forecast for tomorrow Saturday 15th December is lashing rain so Santa has arranged to meet all of you at the Indoor Astro Turf Tomorrow in Maree instead so nobody will get wet!
You will have a normal training session first and then meet with Santa for a present!
Training will resume after tomorrow on Sat Jan 12th. Dont forget the 2 euro. Happy Christmas and thanks to all our club coaches and parents for the marvelous effort this year.
The Schedule for tomorrow is as follows.
*U6 boys - Maree basketball hall 1pm to 2pm.
*U7 and u8 boys Maree Indoor Astro 1pm to 2pm.
*All Academy Girls Maree Indoor Astro 2pm to 3pm.
*u9 and u10 boys Maree Indoor Astro 3pm to 4pm.
Thank you.