Maree Oranmore FC


Members Draw

Dear Maree Oranmore FC Family,

We welcome you all to a new and exciting season with your local community club. Continuing on from the success and growth of the club over the last number of years we will run 3 adult teams including our new U20/21 team, 20 competitive boys and girls teams and our club academy for boys and girls from  U6 to U10 for the 2018/2019 season which is already in full swing.  We are also delighted to announce the launch of our new Football for All programme offering the opportunity for people of all abilities to play the beautiful game.  The club now accommodates more than 600 players supported by more 90 coaches and a fully voluntary club executive. We are now the 3rd largest club in Galway.

Since the formation of the club in 2005 the population of the area has grown by some 42% (Census 2006 & Census 2016 figures) and now more than 29% of the population is under the age of 17 (Census 2016). With additional teams and numbers likely to keep increasing the pressure on existing facilities will only continue to grow. This becomes more of an issue when the weather turns bad and the grass pitches are unplayable. As you know the club currently doesn’t own any of its own facilities and the cost of rent is a drain on club resources.

The good news is that the club is already in the process of building our own full sized 4G pitch in Maree with planning permission secured and clearance works already underway.  A special word of thanks must go to the development committee for all their efforts thus far. However the hard work begins now and one of the biggest elements of any successful development is fundraising. With the total outlay for the 4G pitch likely to be in the region of €500,000 and future expansion already being discussed the need to fundraise towards the cost is essential to our long term future as a community club. The development committee are currently applying for the Sports Capital Grant to aid in the development cost. However, even with a successful outcome, which is not guaranteed, there will be a large amount that we will need to fundraise as a community via our member’s development draw and other initiatives. The club executive have appointed a dedicated fundraising committee for 2018/2019 and we are looking for people to get involved to bring fresh ideas and help the club achieve our goals for kids and adults alike who play the game with us. If you are interested or can help out in any way we would love to hear from you and please feel free to contact any member of the executive committee.

Download Standing Order Form Here

We would also be delighted if you would consider signing up to our monthly development draw. For less than €5 per week you can be in with a chance to win some excellent cash prizes. Further information on how to enter the draw are included in this pack. All proceeds from this draw will go to fund the development of club facilities for current and future players. Our thanks to those you have already signed up, you might consider roping in an aunt, uncle, cousin, neighbour or harass work colleagues to join up too!! If you’re not in, you can’t win.

Your support of our club is as always appreciated,

Maree/Oranmore FC Club Executive 


The Members Prize Draw

Whilst offering monthly prizes it will provide essential funding for the planned all-weather pitch development. The method of entry is a standing order payment of €20 a month, less than €5 a week.

The Prize Draw would take place every month and the prizes will be:

1st prize = €200

2nd Prize = €100

3rd Prize = €50

Each draw will take place at the start of the month and all members paid into the draw for the previous month will be included.

To join the prize draw please complete the standing order mandate on the back of this page and return it to:

Maree Oranmore FC Prize Draw

C/O Fergus Kelleher

44 Cloonarkin Drive, Oranmore

Or place it in an envelope and give it to a member of the club executive or any of our coaching team. Alternatively the IBAN and BIC are included on the form if you wish to set up the standing order yourself. Please ensure to include your name or the name of your syndicate as reference.

Thank you for all of your support of the club. We are aware that everyone is under pressure to donate money from all directions, it is hoped you will see the value for the proposed development.

Please note that there is no minimum term for the prize draw. We appreciate your support and you can opt out by cancelling your standing order at any time.

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