Maree Oranmore FC


Child Safeguarding Statement

Child Safeguarding Statement         

Maree Oranmore FC in accordance with the FAI Rulebook, FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding policy, other FAI policies, procedures and our legislative requirements have agreed this Child Safeguarding Statement which is binding on all members. Maree Oranmore FC is a Football Club operating on a Local scale Providing sporting activities and opportunities for children and young people through participation in clubs. The Club offers sporting activities to children and young people from the age of 5 to 18. Maree Oranmore FC recruits over 100 volunteers with over 680 participants. Maree Oranmore FC is committed to safeguarding children and by working under the guidance of our Safeguarding Policies and procedures, our staff, both volunteers and employed working with our children and young people, throughout the Club, seek to create a safe and fun environment for children and young people to participate in their sport.

Link to downloadable Child Safeguarding Statement

Principles to Safeguard Children from Harm

This statement recognises that in accordance with legislation and the requirements of FAI Rulebook, FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding policy, other FAI policies and procedures that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. Maree Oranmore FC is established on a number of core principles: the needs of the Child, integrity and respect, environment, equality, fair play, welfare and safety in football. These underlying principles underpin our rules, policies and procedures to ensure that when Children participating in our activities, they do so, as far as is practicable, in a safe and enjoyable environment.

Link to Downloadable FAI Concern - Complaint Procedure

Risk Assessment

In preparing this statement the Club have completed a Risk Assessment of the potential risk of harm to children when they are participating in any of our games and attending our activities. The risks were reviewed under the following headings; Club and Coaching Practices; Complaints & Discipline; Reporting Procedures; Use of Facilities; Recruitment; Communications; and General Risk of Harm. The Risk Assessment was undertaken on (Insert date). The table below lists the area of Risk identified and the list of procedures and policies for managing these risks

Link to downloadable Maree Oranmore FC Safeguarding Risk Assessment

Garda Vetting

Garda vetting | Football Association of Ireland (

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