Maree Oranmore FC


Social Media

Social Media Policy – Maree Oranmore FC

What is this policy and why do we need it?

This policy covers activity on the Clubify/ClubZap App which manages postings to the Maree Oranmore FC Website, Facebook, Twitter and Communications App or separately, by direct access to the YouTube Channel, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook/Messenger social media sites. Access to Flickr and Microsoft Messenger is also included. The policy exists to ensure that our social media output is of a high standard, appropriate and does not cause anyone any harm.

Who can post to social media?

Our social media sites are managed by the Club Registrar, PRO and Secretary along with a small group of Volunteers and Coaches. A list of users is maintained by the Club Chairman

How is this monitored?

The social media output of the Club is monitored regularly by the PRO who can delete or edit postings immediately if required.

What are the responsibilities of people who have access to the organisation’s social media tools?

The Clubs Social Media Tools are solely intended for the promotion of the Club, informing members of news and events, sharing relevant, factual and appropriate content and to promote Club sponsors.

When posting to the Club’s social media feeds, you are representing the Club as a whole. Individual opinions, political influences or messages are not permitted nor is the promotion of products or advertising for personal or commercial gain.

As much of the social media content is about and for the juvenile section of our Club, all users must be vigilant to ensure that inappropriate content is removed immediately and reported to the Club Chairman within 24 hours.

What kinds of content are appropriate or inappropriate to share?

It is inappropriate to bring the Club into disrepute, or to damage another person’s reputation.

Do not post messages, images etc which could potentially be perceived as bullying, defamatory, or offensive.

Do not post images of individuals without their express permission in writing or parental consent.  Pictures and videos of children must always be taken in Groups.

Use common sense: If you wouldn’t be happy to read the post to a crowded room of people, including children, then do not post.

Posts, comments, etc on social media sites are public, and therefore not always appropriate for private conversations or sharing personal details. Use Messenger for sending contact details.

If the Club or an individual is criticised online, try to respond with respect for the other person and understanding of their perspective. If you are unclear on what action to take, contact the Club Chairman.

On Facebook, only appropriate content should be Liked and Shared, read full content and watch videos in full before posting.

What are the consequences for breaching this policy?

A Club volunteer found to have breached this policy will initially be given a verbal warning.

If the volunteer breaches policy a second time, their access to social media tools will be revoked with immediate effect.

However If any breach of this policy is deemed sufficiently serious, the Chairman may decide to take more drastic action immediately including removing the Volunteer from Club activity completely.

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