The club are glad to note the recent Government announcement that from 26 April (subject to prevailing public health situation), underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 or fewer can restart. Further details on the eagerly anticipated return to training for our underage groups will be provided in coming weeks.
The Maree/Oranmore fc Development Draw winners for March were as follows: First Prize Aidan Doorley (pictured), Second Prize Anthony Conboy and Third Prize went to Fiona Cleare. Thanks to all who support this crucial draw to raise funds for our community 4G pitch and facilities for the youth of Maree and Oranmore.
For the price of a cup of coffee weekly you can still join our Development Draw by texting 087 2457626.Thank you to local businesses who have kindly bought Perimeter Advertising Signage on our new community 4G facility in Maree. We have room for your business and when normality returns, thousands will visit the facility weekly. To increase your community visibilty and expand your potential customer base text 087 9806489 for details without obligation.

Our club hope to host several soccer camps over the summer months, however we are awaiting advice re the public health situation as player and community safety is our top priority at this strange time.
For all club details and updates please visit our club facebook page.