Maree Oranmore FC

Co. Galway

Club News - 4G work continues in anticipation of return to training

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Club players, coaches and families are eagerly anticipating the roadmapped return t0 non-contact training (subject to prevailing government guidance) for our underage groups (u18 and younger) from April 26th. The FAI are hosting guidance webinars for District Leagues and Club representatives in the coming week in anticipation of the return to training. Further updates will be provided in advance of return to training with protocols expected to be similar to those in place prior to level 5 C19 restrictions.

Maree/Oranmore fc would like to extend deepest sympathies to club coaches Mickey Grealish and John Brogan on their recent sad bereavements. May Mick Grealish and Mary Brogan rest in peace.

Our club are continuing with our recent necessary work on our community 4G pitch in Maree with the erection of ball netting around Caulfield Park. Thanks to Colm and all in SNG sports for their installation and a very professional job.

All work on our community facility is expensive and indeed is a major struggle for a voluntary community based club to keep going.

We at present are selling Perimeter Pitch Advertising on the facility.If your business would consider helping your childs club, text without obligation to Martin on 087 9806489.

Thank you to all who are in our club members Draw- if you can afford the cost of a cup of coffee weekly with cash prizes monthly, you might consider joining, text without obligation to Fergus on 087 2457626.

For all club details visit the Maree/Oranmore fc facebook page.

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