Maree Oranmore FC

Co. Galway

Club News - Return to underage training, members draw and summer camps

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Maree/Oranmore fc club sides(U6 to U18) return to Training this week after a long lockdown. Member's parent are respectfully reminded to observe C19 protocols including Clubzap attendance tracing.

Our Club Monthly Development Draw was held last Sunday evening on our new community 4G in splendid sunshine with Rob Eyers from Tudor Vale Oranmore scooping top prize, Rob kindly donated his winnings back to the club in a very kind gesture. Thank you Rob. Second prize went to Anthony Conboy while third prize went to Karen Walsh from Maree. You can help your child by joining this draw to pay for the development of club and community facilities in Maree, all for the cost of a weekly cup of coffee with monthly cash prizes on offer. Please go to our club facebook page for details.

Our Brampton Club Summer camp next August was sold out very quickly, however Maree/Oranmore fc will also host two FAI camps on July 12th and 26th 9provisional dates subject to prevailing public health guidance) running from 10am to 1pm on Maree 4G.Each camp will only have a capacity of 60 each while the second of the camps will also have a goalkeeper section in it. The FAI will have these camps posted live shortly and the link will be posted on our facebook page.

If your business would consider purchasing Perimeter Pitch advertising please text 087 9806489 for details without obligation.

For further club details visit our club facebook page.

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