This week sees the return to competitive action this week for a plethora of Maree/Oranmore fc sides as hopefully the good preparation will pay dividends as the Galway and District League complete a one round League up to July 18th. We wish all our club sides run by volunteers the very best.

All club families will be glad to have heard the news that restrictions on attendance at matches have been eased substantially with numbers permitted for outdoor match day from 7th June at a capacity of 100 per government guidelines. Spectators should ensure 2 metre social distancing is maintained at all times and avoid congregating.

Our Brampton Academy will continue every Saturday up to Saturday June 26th, delighted to see further growth in the u6 to u10 age groups, boys and girls. This Saturday will see the u10 girls in a blitz v Colga in Maree while the u10 boys will host our Clarenbridge neighbours on Sunday in Oranmore,

Maree/Oranmore fc are delighted to announce that Susie Mc Grath and Ruth Broderick in conjunction with the club will attempt to reform Adult Ladies Soccer by having an informal kick around on Wednesday June 16th from 8pm to 9pm on the Oranmore 3g pitch in the centre of the village. Both Susie and Ruth will be gauging interest levels both for womens social and competitive soccer. Our club now fields girls sides from u6 to u19 so this is a natural follow on. All are welcome especially the Ladies of Maree and Oranmore.

Maree/Oranmore fc will sell the remaining club tea/coffee mugs this Saturday at Academy Training, at just 8 euro the crested mugs have proven most popular.
Finally Maree/Oranmore fc would sincerely like to sincerely sympathise with the Murray and Madden families on their very sad bereavements last week.
For all club details and updates, please visit our club facebook page.